9/11 conspiracy ? important READ?
1st THE PENTAGON- ok im not guna rite this all smart and **** but ok 1st of all the plane that supposedly hit the pentagonn made a 330 degree turn at 500mph in arlington virgina descending 7000 feet in 2 in a half minutes to crash flight 77 into th eground floor of the pentagon ok "flight 77 could not of possibly flown at these speeds without going into a high speed stall"- russ wittenburg, commercial and air force pilot who flewtwo of the planes used in 9/11 the PILOT also says"the airplane wont go that fast when you start pulling those high g menuevers. the plane would of have fallen out of the sky" next the pilot who allegedly flew flight 77 was a bad pilot and had serious trouble landing a small plane and ur telling me he can do impossible turns with a boeing 757!!!!!! next why were the lightpoles that were "hit" from the plane not damaged and were not facing towards the pentagon but the opposite way...therae was not even damage to the ground b4 the pentagon...why is there no trace of flight 77 the engins would of had buried themselves in the pentagon just like the twin towers but there was just this small hole next the idiots find a engine in the pentagon that does not even belong to a boeing 757 and it was small and ur going to tell me both 6 ton titanium steel vaporized in the pentagon where there is no holes where the tail sections wing sections would of made them? next why was there a shockwave from the crash? only bombs give off shockwaves ok? a hotel felt a shockwave from 1.6 miles away thats crazy y does the damage to the pentagon look almost completely the same as if a cruise missle hit it? why did they confiscate the tapes from the hotel and gas station that caught the whole thing y didnt they show it 2 us so they can prove a plane hit it? y are they hiding so many things? ok enough with the pentagon lets get to the TOWERS- ok 1st thing many people witnessed a cargo plane hit the 1st tower 2nd why did the whole attack look like a controlled demolition ok explain the bin laden confession tape explain why it is so unclear the man in the video looks and acts nothing like bin laden also in the video he is writing with his right hand and he is a lefty next hes got a gold ring on his finger which is forbidden by islamic law explain that explain the impossible phonecalls from ujnited 93 and with no1 panicing in the backround but whispers they were fake get over it u dikheads okk MORE INFO COMING REALLY SOON more about the towers-- why were so many firefighters killed if only a couple of floors were damaged witnesses herd saw and were hurt by the bombs were in tere people herd bombs going off everywhere how come there were so many secondary explosions why is there things shooting out the sides of the windows when it is collapsing y da fuk was there dust in the lobby when dust is the signature of high explosives how did wtc7 collapse why was that ignored by the goverment i know that two little internal fires would not make a building collapse and fall down just like a CONTROLLED DEMOLITION i know you guys do not want to beleve this who does? but u have to accept the fact that these things were impossible unless there was help from this country class a buildings dont fall like that theres so many things that are unexplainable and the offical stories do not match up with what really happened OHH AND FOR THE NOSY PEOPLE I GOT MY INFORMATION FROM LOOSE CHANGE 2ND EDITION AND OTHER CONSPIRACY FILMS ANOTHER THING IS THAT WHY DID CONDOLEEZA W/E HER NAME HIS TELL PEOPPLE NOT TO FLY THAT DAY B4 THE ATTACKS EVEN OCCURED WHY WERE THERE SO MANY BETS ON BOEING STOCKS JUST THE WEEK B4 9/11 WHY WERE THERE UNUSUAL DRILLS DA WEEK B4 9/11 AND OUT OF NOWHERE EVACUATIONS ON WTC 1 2 AND 7 WHY ? CUZ THEY WERE PLANTING BOMBS!!1!!!!!! WOW U RETARDS I KNOW PLANES HIT THE TWWIN TOWERS YEA.....CARGO PLANES OK U ASSHOLES STILL CANNOT EXPLAIN THE PHONECALLS http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5137581991288263801 this is for all da retards that beleve the goverment lmao watch this http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7501020220921158523&q=conspiracy http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3858617066028236099&q=conspiracy+9%2F11 WATCH THIS IMPORTANT
Government - 12 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Ah Duh maybe CONSPIRACY! :)
2 :
Does it really do any good to anyone to pick this apart at this time. I think not. The damage is done. I highly doubt that terrorist will use commerical airlines again for any type of attack. By rehashing this over and over, they are still terrorizing us. Wanna do something helpful explore the other possible attacks that are yet to come, the info is out there, worry about that not the past. Let these people and their relatives rest.
3 :
Well a lot of your evidence is either wrong, inconclusive, or too hard to read what you're saying. I assume you've seen that online video that some group made. That video proves nothing. They quote people, but how do we know they are qualified to know what a 757 sounds like as opposed to a missile? You seem to have the same thing going on. How do you know all of this? Where are you getting your information. Were you there? Are you an expert on physics and airplane parts? I'm sorry, any evidence I've seen for 9/11 being a conspiracy can be easily explained away. I have seen nothing even a little bit concrete. Stop jumping on the bandwagon and pretending to be intelligent.
4 :
you are right. as my grandfather told me when i was a kidd, he said, my son you can trust the goverment. just ask a indian.
5 :
Oh my God... I never cease to be amazed at how people delight in concocting "deep, dark conspiracies" to explain things that happen right under their nose. Paranoia will take control of you if you don't get a grip. By the way, you've now spent all of your sign-up points on Yahoo Answers posing these ridiculous conspiracy questions. At least we won't be hearing from you anymore until after you answer a few questions.
6 :
Are you trying to say that the airliners did not crash into the pentagon and the WTC? I saw it live on television. You believe something else happened? And the airliners crashing was just a cover-up? Do you live in California and vote democratic?
7 :
stupid question, stupid answer.
8 :
The worse blind is the one won't want a see
9 :
Whats done is done you crazy Euro. Just stay on your side of the pond.
10 :
I have no doubt the government had a hand in this. I've thought so for about a year now. I DO believe a plane hit the pentagon. I'm not 100% sure though. I do know that planes hit the trade center, BUT other buildings with similar construction have burned at much higher temps and not fallen.....there was no huge blazing fire, because people were seen standing in the gaping holes. There were only small scattered fires. You're right that there were bomb blasts near the bases of the buildings. They fell wrong too-- it looked way too controlled. Bush's brother or cousin or something owns the security company for the trade centers and they had a period of no power that weekend....no security cameras running....explosives planted? The pilots were NOT capable of flying that well. SOME of the hi-jackers are still alive and well! If the gov. didn't do it, they at least knew beforehand and helped things along. How did building number 7 fall? It looked like a controlled demolition to me. Could terrorists have planted bombs? I doubt it considering the high-level personnel that claimed that building as their office space. Some people starting screaming it that the buildings were coming down before they even started to crumble. It just doesn't all add up. Need I go into the evidence that the illuminists had the number 11 all over the place that day? It's a big number for them you know. And no, impeachign Bush would not help matters........Kerry was also invovled in Skull and Bones, and almost every single president we've ever had was at least a freemason. They have the government by the b@lls and there's nothing any of us can do about it but pray.
11 :
Proof you are wrong. Read: http://www.popularmechanics.com/science/defense/1227842.html
12 :
the most concise guide to lies, deception, and mistakes of logic in loose change: http://www.ccdominoes.com/lc/LooseChangeGuide.html Now try and give me a good argument, or shut the hell up.
Title : 9/11 conspiracy ? important READ
Description : 9/11 conspiracy ? important READ? 1st THE PENTAGON- ok im not guna rite this all smart and **** but ok 1st of all the plane that supposed...