Last year, Arlington Elementary Academy started Articulacy Night, one night a ages for parents and acceptance to appear to academy to read.

Kristen Craig, a account interventionist at Arlington, said the contest started as a way to get parents to animate acceptance to read. Parents were encouraged to apprehend with their accouchement for 20 account every day.

"We've had huge growth," Craig said. "Every time added parents were coming, and our kids are added aflame to read."

Arlington captivated its aboriginal Articulacy Night of the new academy year Thursday. Tennessee aboriginal adult Crissy Haslam abounding to apprehend to the children.

Craig said that in April, Haslam contacted the academy to allocution about how she could advice with its articulacy programs.

"She was attractive for a academy with affectionate involvement," Craig said.

Haslam aboriginal begin out about Arlington through an commodity about the Big Brothers, Big Sisters Club account action that encourages earlier acceptance to advice adolescent acceptance with reading.

In 2012, Arlington had denticulate beneath boilerplate in account on the accompaniment address card. Several initiatives were started to advance account at the school.

"I am captivated to animate account with Arlington Elementary families tonight," Haslam said. "Parents accept the ability to addition their children's acquirements abeyant by authoritative books an basic and agreeable allotment of their lives."

Haslam started the Read20 Family Book Club for the aforementioned acumen Arlington started its articulacy nights: To animate reading.

At the end of aftermost academy year, Haslam contacted Scholastic, which provides educational supplies, and asked the aggregation to accord added than 500 copies of the book "Shiloh" to Arlington as allotment of the Summer Account Challenge.

During her visit, Haslam apprehend to the parents and acceptance from the alpha of the book.

"Interactive account adventures can be a abundant way to advance adulation for account aboriginal in life," Haslam said. "I am actual appreciative that Arlington Elementary is demography a artistic access to convalescent their students' articulacy skills."

Charlene Jeanes is a ancestor at Arlington who abounding articulacy night.

"I anticipate it's fabulous," Jeanes said. "We're actual afflicted that Mrs. Haslam would appear out. I acknowledge her demography time to appear out and apprehend with us."

To apprentice added about the Read20 Family Book Club, appointment and chase the club on Twitter @Read20TN.

Reach Nick McFerron at (731) 425-9643. Chase him on Twitter @nick_mcferron

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